Category Archives: Tharp’s Log

Visiting Giant Forest for a Crescent Meadow Trek: Following in the footsteps of Hale Tharp

I’m trekking more in the Park that is in my backyard. This is one of my favorite places–Crescent Meadow, with a sideline walk to Hale Tharp‘s Log home that he used in the late 1800’s every summer. He was the first white man (that we know of) to see the big trees.

::  the fern-draped trail from Crescent Meadow to Tharp’s Log ::


::  Tharp’s Log, his home made from a fallen Giant Sequoia ::

::  Tharp’s Log Meadow, the view from his summer home ::

::  Wildflowers are still blooming in Giant Forest, amazing for late summer ::

::  stopping for a cool creek respite on Tharp’s Log Trail ::

This is the first of a series on day hikes in Sequoia….